On-line booking for the ferries to Elba

Elba is hourly connected to Piombino Marittima by four companies (Toremar, Moby Lines, Corsica Ferries and BluNavy) which offer comfortable ferries. It only takes one hour to travel the 10 km distances that separates the island from mainland, reaching the ports of Portoferraio (the main), Cavo and Rio Marina.

Alternatively there is a hydrofoil for passengers only, which just takes 35 minutes to reach Portoferraio.

With our reservation system you can check availability of ferries and routes, compare rates and book directly online.

We wish to remind you also that if you choose to stay in our apartments, you will receive a discount code number for Toremar and Moby Lines shipping companies that we will email you. All you need to do is click in the number when you book your ferry ticket on our web site, and not only will you avoid the extra expense of booking rights, but you will also be granted a special price. Offer valid only for direct booking.

Farm Holydays Il Boschetto - Loc. Bocchetto - 57036 Porto Azzurro (Li) - Elba Island
Tel/Fax +39 056595470 - Mob. +39 347 5773366 - Mob. +39 347 3135031 - Mail: agriferrini@elbalink.it
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